Challenges in eBook Publishing and How to Overcome Them

[Approximate Reading Time : 4 mins]

Digitization has taken over all aspects of our lives, and books and the publishing industry are no exception. eBooks, or electronic books, are now the norm, given the convenience they bring to publishers and readers. An eBook is a manuscript converted to or published in a digital format and accessible on computers or handheld e-readers. The digital publishing market is likely to expand at a CAGR of nearly 13 percent during 2021–2025 to grow by USD 65.31 billion. To capitalize on this trend, publishers must first overcome various challenges such as the following:

  • Digitizing Visual Elements: Apart from digitizing the textual content of a manuscript, eBook publishing involves digitizing visual features such as font, type, and formatting. If there are any graphic elements, photographs, or illustrations, these will have to be made machine readable.
  • Accessibility: The changing dynamics of the publishing industry underline the need for eBooks to be accessible to all. Publishers must know how to use HTML coding to enable accessibility. eBooks across various formats such as EPUB, MOBI, and Web PDF are required to have all accessibility features.
  • Immersive Experience: One advantage of eBooks is that they can provide readers with an immersive experience given their advanced features such as embedded videos. While this can help publishers reach a wider audience, it also poses challenges such as limiting the size of the book to the desired parameters and ensuring the quality of the videos.
  • Font Size: Font sizes are a mixed bag for the publishers of eBooks. While on the one hand, digital fonts can easily be resized according to the reader’s preferences, on the other hand, the current level of font resolutions available can cause eyestrain in the long run.

The challenges in the eBook conversion service and publishing industry are not limited to this list, and it is here that professional eBook publishing companies can be of help. Amnet has adopted the latest techniques and trends in digital publishing to help you make a seamless transition. With over 20 years of experience in the publishing sector, we are well equipped to handle eBook publishing and conversion projects of any scale and volume. Having worked with over 500 clients from various niches, we are confident in tailoring solutions to meet timelines and budgets without compromising on quality. Get in touch with us today to know more.
